Welcome to Flappy Bird game!


Your browser is not compatible with our technology to start the game.
Please, download different browser.

Váš prohlížeč nepodporuje technologii, ve které byla vytvořena tato hra.
Nainstalujte si chytrý a jednoduchý prohlížeč od Seznamu!


Choose background:

Choose and drag to game on right:

Bird: Classic Bird Red Bird
Obstacle: Black Obstacle Red Obstacle
Your browser is not compatible with our technology to start the game.
Please, download different browser.

Váš prohlížeč nepodporuje technologii, ve které byla vytvořena tato hra.
Nainstalujte si chytrý a jednoduchý prohlížeč od Seznamu!

Your recent statistics

Date Score

Top score

Date Score


This game and the whole web page was created in B0B39KAJ course (shortcut of
Client applications in JavaScript) taught by Czech Technical University in Prague.

May/June 2017